Your body is Strong

The human body, in its natural state, is one of health and vitality. As we grow up, we experience repeated stress and trauma that break down the body, making it vulnerable. That’s when the imbalances that cause dis-ease, pain or mental distress can set in.

We Do Health DifferEntly

We take a different approach to health care. Your body has the wisdom to know what is good for it. Together we will listen to the subtle changes in the body, the chatter of the mind and the whisper of the spirit to understand the imbalances that constrain your self-healing power.

Together We’ll heal

You don’t need to be alone on your healing journey. Through our integrated approach, we provide the care, education and support to restore your body, mind and spirit to optimal balance.



Hi, We are the practitioners at the Blue Skies Holistic Care collaborative. We each have our own healing story but the thing we share is our passion to bring healing services to our community. While our education, life experience and ancient healing methods serve as a solid foundation, we prefer to focus on you.

Far too often, we see people suffering from chronic pain and disease, getting little to no relief from mainstream medicine. There are other options and we want to be sure you know about them, have access to experience them and ultimately get the results you want.

Our collaboration is built on the philosophy that your body knows what it needs to heal. This is called innate intelligence. We are here to provide wrap-around services to walk with you on your healing journey. Our array of services includes: functional medicine testing, acupuncture,  herbal remedies, nutrition, yoga therapy, meditation and energy medicine. Our CCS Program services also include psychotherapy, financial education and spiritual companionship.

Ready to Unlock Your Self-Healing Power?

We welcome you to join our our sacred healing space.